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Yarnangu Detective is not just a TV Show. It is a way of linking NG Media to every community, and linking communities to one another. There is no community on our lands too far to visit, and we have begun filming in the remotest communities to begin with because they are the ones visited irregularly, or if ever at all in the past.

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Feature Episode

Watch out for the rocks

Episode 1

You must take this rock back to Uluru. Only you can do this. Our Yarnangu Detective finds himself stranded in the desert....

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Go on a journey with Yarnangu Detective, NG Media’s flagship series that takes you across all the communities in the remote Ngaanyatjarra Lands. Follow our young Yarnangu Detective as he treks across sweeping vistas and plains, through tiny outstations and large communities, guided by the mysterious Spirit Man, and encountering bizarre friends and foes along the way.

Episode one is directed by Chris Hobart and Michael Mouritz, featuring Matthew Lewis as the Yarnangu Detective and Nigel Mervin as Spirit Man.

Watch out for the rocks

Episode 1

You must take this rock back to Uluru. Only you can do this. Our Yarnangu Detective finds himself stranded in the desert....

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Yarnangu Detective

Trailer 2

View the second promotional trailer for Yarnangu Detective.

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